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Imagine taking time everyday to appreciate the magnificence of this journey we call life, the beauty of this incredible planet that we live on and to feel gratitude and know the sacredness of all that we call the mundane.
It's amazing what a little heart opening can do!
Ceremonial Cacao is soooooo much more than great chocolate!, it's the gateway to the greater you! Tap into your unlimited creativity, experience higher awareness, expanded consciousness and a connectedness to all of life in ways you have never felt before. Ceremonial Cacao is a heart opener, a consciousness facilitator and a wise teacher. Step through the doorway to a greater you...
ABOUT CEREMONIAL CACAO >Steeped in the sacred, wrapped in elegance, and infused with love, our exquisite Starters Ritual Box has everything you need to begin crafting your own divine ceremonies – at home or anywhere!
For the cacao novice or experienced ceremonialist alike, our Starters Ritual Box has everything you need to weave a little extra magic into your day!
CHECK IT OUT >Since we started working with the Cacao Deva in 2010, we have always sought guidance and taken direction from her through ceremony for all the steps in the creation of Sacred Earth Medicine.
OUR STORY >You've bought your first block of Ceremonial Cacao, taken it out of the packet and its waiting there looking delicious in front of you. "How do I use it?" we hear you ask. Well...
In many traditions, the Spirit of Cacao is often referred to as a Goddess. However, in Spanish, cacao is referred to as "el cacao", making it masculine. So which is it?
It’s the second harvest festival and themes of balance and harmony inspire this moment on the Wheel of the Year.
Is all cacao the same? Will a powder give you the same buzz and benefits as a ground block and vice versa?
This Black Tahini Dipping Sauce our current favourite, its a super delicious treat that's easy to make and even easier to snack on!
If your block is whitish and crumbly, you're probably looking at cacao bloom. It’s easy to assume that a white, crumbly block is inferior in quality to a shiny, smooth one, but this is not the case.
Plus: how to celebrate it with Ceremonial Cacao! Lammas or Lughnasadh is the first of...