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What is Mabon?

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on March 06, 2025
image credit: The Monastery

An Autumn Equinox Celebration

Mabon, or the Autumnal Equinox, is a time where day and night are equal length. It’s the second harvest festival and themes of balance and harmony inspire this moment on the Wheel of the Year. A time for gratitude and giving thanks for the abundant fruits, that we are reaping from our harvest - whether literal or metaphorical.

From this moment on, we will continue the descent. As the days grow shorter, we move towards the darker part of the year. It is a time of introspection, of letting go and beginning to turn inwards. It also offers us a wonderful opportunity to explore the theme of balance within our own lives.

What does the word Mabon mean or refer to?

The name “Mabon” has been associated with the autumn equinox, though its precise origin remains a subject of discussion.

According to 'The Busy Pagan' website (1):

The name “Mabon” was introduced to the Wheel of the Year in the 1970s by Aidan Kelly, co-founder of the New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn, as part of a systematic approach to revive and balance the modern Pagan Wheel of the Year. He chose the name from Welsh mythology—Mabon ap Modron, which means “Son of the Mother.” Reflecting themes of release, liberation, and balance. This newer designation connects the sabbat to the mythological tale of Mabon, a divine youth whose story is about liberation and triumph over darkness, mirroring the equinox’s balance of light and shadow.

What are the themes and symbolism associated with Mabon?

At this moment on the Wheel of the Year, themes of balance, harmony, gratitude, abundance, and thanksgiving are celebrated.

As a time of equal day and night, Mabon is a powerful reminder of balance and reciprocity. This festival is important for farmers and all who cherish Mother Earth’s rich harvest.

We can celebrate with gatherings, feasts, and rituals, acknowledging all that has contributed to the abundant yields, and offering our gratitude to the Earth for her plentiful gifts. At this sacred pause, we also accept that we are now moving towards the darker part of the year, and hence this is also a time for preparation. We celebrate the abundance that is here now while preparing ourselves and our homes for the cooler days to come.

With the theme of balance prevalent with equal day and night, this moment invites reflection of life’s balances—light with dark, activity with rest, and abundance with shortage. We cannot have one without the other.

Finally, there is wisdom to harness at Mabon as this dark half of the year – this turning inwards – offers us some spaciousness for reflection and introspection. Days grow shorter towards Midwinter, and as we slow down, we can also begin to connect with our own inner wisdom.

Some simple ways you to celebrate Mabon can include:

  • Head outside and recharge in the sunlight
  • Create a simple Gratitude Ritual: Write down things you are grateful for on individual pieces of paper. Place these papers in a jar or under a candle on your altar. This can serve as a reminder of the blessings in your life. 
  • Do a hearth and home blessing by cleaning your living space, then cleanse by smudging with sage to remove stagnant energy and welcome in the energy of the season.
  • This is a great time to start a dream journal as the darker half of the year tends to open up our intuition. Spend time learning to interpret your dreams, which may result in more frequent and vivid dreams with stronger messages.
  • Consider taking up or reinvigorating your yoga or meditation to support you to find more balance in the Autumn and over the winter months.
  • Take some time for a quiet walk-in nature and appreciate the gifts of the season.
  • Create a Mabon altar with colours and foods to honour the harvest and with symbols of the season, such as apples, pumpkins, apples, grains, and autumn leaves. You can use candles in autumn colours like orange, red, and brown.
  • Cook a feast with all the abundant local foods available and share it with your friends and loved ones
  • Embrace the season with our Mabon Gratitude & Self Reflection Ritual


1. Crowwing, L. (2024, April 28). Everything you need to know about Mabon. The Busy Pagan. Retrieved February 28, 2025, from https://thebusypagan.com/pagan-holidays/mabon/



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