icon A Simple Candle Ritual for Honouring Imbolc | Sacred Earth Community

Tending Your Inner Light – A Simple Candle ritual to honour Imbolc

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on July 25, 2024

Honouring Imbolc with a Simple Candle Ritual

As a fire festival focusing on the growing light, Imbolc and candles tend to go hand in hand!

Here at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, the hours of darkness are still greater than the daylight. Lighting candles is a simple way to symbolise and honour the slow yet certain return of the suns potency and the longer spring days to come.

The candle's shining light is also a reflection of the hint of creative and fertile energy beginning to blossom now - evident with the birth of baby animals at this time in the cycle and of fledgling seeds starting to sprout deep in the ground.

Not only does the light of the candle flame symbolise new life in the world around us, but it also represents the ever-glowing light within our own heart.

The Ritual

For this candle ritual you will need enough candles (tealights will do) to place one in every room of your home, plus a dedicated candle for meditation and a lighter or matches.

To really make the most of this ritual it's best done after sunset so you can experience the impact of lighting the candles in the dark.

Begin by creating sacred space in the way that you like, and then take some time to arrive into your body. Take some deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth with a sigh or a sound, letting go of all that has come before and anchoring deeply into presence.

Next, turn off all the lights and allow yourself some space here in the darkness, appreciating and giving thanks for the gifts that come with winter and the sacred pause it offers. It is here that we can lean into our faith, trusting and knowing that the light is always reborn from the dark.

When you feel ready, move through the rooms of your home and reverently light each of the candles. Allow their illumination to be a symbolic warm welcome to the return of the sun's light whilst also nourishing the light within you.

Spend some time basking in the warm flickering glow of the candle's light, letting them warm your spirit and remind you that new life is gently budding, before coming to sit in a comfortable position with your dedicated meditation candle.

Light your candle and move into a contemplative space, asking your heart what it would most like to see flourish in the coming months. Let your gaze rest into the flame, allowing time for any visions, thoughts, feeling or sensations that may arise as a guide. Simply sit quietly with your candle, letting inspiration flow forth.

When you feel complete, place your meditation candle somewhere safe (perhaps an altar) and allow it and the other candles to burn for as long as you like - letting them be a beacon to welcome in the light of the sun.

To conclude the ritual, give thanks and close sacred space.

Blessed Be.

References 1) https://waldorfshop.net/blogs/waldorf-education/celebrating-candlemas


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