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Rose Activated Cacao Brew

by Shaa Taylor on August 26, 2020

This morning, we connected to the medicine of Rose, the "Queen of flowers", the flower of love. Roses have long been cherished to alleviate pms, relax menstrual & libido difficulties & help us feel frisky! This could be the morning to activate your cacao with the magic of rose.

"Roses are the very image of innocence; roses are filled with sexual allure. Roses are chaste and pure; roses are wanton and wild. Roses bloom and fade in a day, like love, perfect but passing. Roses endure, blooming year after year, like love, eternal". (Susun Weed)

Here is the recipe for our rose cacao brew activated on the altar of love...

Ingredients (Servers 2)

  • 4 heaped tbs of Sacred Earth Medicine Ceremonial Cacao (finely ground)
  • 2 cups nut milk of choice (or bonsoy for extra creamy)
  • 2-3 drops of rose essential oil or 2 tbs rose water
  • 2 tsp rose petals
  • 200ml boiled water
  • Cinnamon, ginger & vanilla powder to taste
  • Maple syrup, honey or sweetener of choice


  1. Steep rose petals in boiling water for 5 mins
  2. Mix cinnamon, ginger & vanilla with your ground Ceremonial Cacao
  3. Strain and use hot rosey water to stir the cacao into a smooth paste. Add a rose essential oil drop or 2 & your sweetener. Stir well.
  4. Heat milk and whisk into cacao. Top with rose petals
  5. Call in Ix Cacao, Goddess of Love. Welcome her into your heart & ask her to bless your day with LOVE. Then enjoy all moments of Divine Bliss.

Do you want to start your day with a cup of Rose Activated Cacao deliciousness? Then grab your very own block of Ceremonial Cacao today!



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We feel super blessed to have commissioned local ceramic artist Ben Ruble craft our new, exquisite, hand crafted, wild harvested Ceremonial Cacao cups! They come in small and large, and we wholeheartedly believe they are the perfect accompaniment to make your daily ceremonial cacao an even more sacred experience!

Whether known or unknown, our ancestral lineage impacts our lives, and taking time to remember where we have come from can allow us a golden opportunity to understand ourselves better.

At Sacred Earth Medicine is all about honouring the earth, we wanted to share with you some inspiring words that can be spoken in your daily cacao ritual

This recipe evolved from our families pancake Sunday ritual. I discovered it and then became obsessed with the delectable combination of our Ceremonial Cacao, the creamy maca spread maple syrup.