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What is Ostara

What is Ostara?

On the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Ostara is the second fertility festival and for many marks the first day of Spring.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on September 17, 2024
Imbolc Tending Your Inner Light Ritual

Tending Your Inner Light – A Simple Candle ritual to honour Imbolc

Not only does the light of the candle flame symbolise new life in the world around us, but it also represents the ever-glowing light within our own heart.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on July 25, 2024
Self-Care with Cacao

Self-Care with Cacao

Prioritising tending and caring for ourselves at this time, when immune systems can be vulnerable and energy levels low, is necessary to ensure overall health and wellbeing.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on July 15, 2024
Sunrise Winter Solstice Cacao Meditation Ritual

Sunrise Winter Solstice Cacao Meditation Ritual

This ritual weaves together solar connection with ceremonial cacao (of course!), meditation, contemplation, journaling for you to honour this moment in the greater cycle.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on June 16, 2024
Supporting Motherhood with Cacao

Supporting Motherhood with Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao as a plant ally for the journey of Motherhood is a deeply nurturing, loving and supportive partner. Cacao has an abundance of physiological and energetic properties to support this journey tenderly yet powerfully.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on May 11, 2024
Ancestor Honouring Ritual

Ancestor Honouring Ritual

Whether known or unknown, our ancestral lineage impacts our lives, and taking time to remember where we have come from can allow us a golden opportunity to understand ourselves better.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on April 15, 2024
Sacred Earth Prayers for Cacao Rituals

Sacred Earth Prayers for your Cacao Rituals

At Sacred Earth Medicine is all about honouring the earth, we wanted to share with you some inspiring words that can be spoken in your daily cacao ritual
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on April 15, 2024
In Honour of the Feminine Within Easter

In Honour of the Feminine Within Easter

We remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter but have denied the celebration and honouring of Mary Magdalene, It is time now to remember the true love story.
by Kaliana Raphael Rose on March 28, 2024
Mabon Gratitude and Self Reflection Ritual

Mabon Gratitude and Self Reflection Ritual

As we embrace the season of Mabon with its themes of gratitude and balance, it’s important to remember that just as the seasons around us change, so do we.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 26, 2024
Creating a Magical Life with Ritual & Ceremony

Creating a Magical Life with Ritual and Ceremony

Rich in social, religious, magical, and symbolic meaning, Ritual and Ceremony have been an essential aspect of human life for as long as we can remember.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
Sensual Chocolate Sharing

Sensual Chocolate Sharing

There can be something so exciting and erotic about eating chocolate – especially when feeding your beloved, being fed by your beloved or even when savouring some chocolate indulgence solo.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 06, 2024
Cosmic Surrender Bath

Cosmic Surrender Bath

Baths can be such a sensual experience! So immerse either solo or with your partner end delight in this pleasurable, luxurious and beautiful bath ritual.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 06, 2024
Lammas Nature Communion Ritual

Lammas Nature Communion Ritual

Lammas is the perfect time for a nature enquiry to harness the magic of deeper connection + communion with Mother Earth, and to honour and celebrate the energy of this time.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on January 16, 2024
Summer Solstice Mandala Ritual

Summer Solstice Mandala Ritual

Creating a mandala from materials found in nature is a beautiful offering and way to celebrate the bounty of life and power of Sun at this time.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 15, 2023
Lovers Ritual

Love Rituals

By combining Ceremonial Cacao, visualisation, affirmation and the breath, we hope these simple rituals leave you feeling heart opened, connected and much lighter!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on November 06, 2023
Honouring our Ancestors and Healing Ancestral Wounds

Honouring our Ancestors and Healing Ancestral Wounds

By connecting to departed loved ones not only are you able to tap into their deep wisdom , you also open up the possibility to heal any intergenerational trauma.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on October 30, 2023
Dia De Los Muertos Reflections

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Many years ago, Shaa and I had the privilege of experiencing Day of the Dead (Dia de los Meurtos) in Mexico City, less than a year after my mother had crossed over.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on October 30, 2023
Spring Equinox Ritual

Spring Equinox Ritual

After the winter months where energy can become stagnant. Use this Spring Equinox ritual and this time of the year as the perfect opportunity to clear old energy, habits and unhealthy thought patterns.

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on September 19, 2023
Lions Gate Portal

Lions Gate Portal

With cosmological origins dating as far back as Ancient Egypt, the Lions Gate heralds the annual alignment between the Sun in the star sign of Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt and the rising star Sirius
by Sjha'ra Taylor on July 30, 2023
Honouring Imbolc

Honouring Imbolc

Imbolc is an ancient tradition that occurs midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. As a Celtic Fire Festival with roots predating Christianity, it was originally dedicated to the Goddess Brighid (who later became St Brigid).

by Sjha'ra Taylor on July 30, 2023
Winter Solstice Ritual

Honouring the Winter Solstice Ritual

Here in the Southern Hemisphere we find ourselves exploring the beauty and transformative energy of the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule. This time marks the longest night of the year.
by Sjha'ra Taylor on June 21, 2023
My First Magical Yeshua Encounter

Sjha'ra's Story: My Connection With Yeshua

I didn’t go to any scripture classes at school, so it came as a huge shock and surprise when Yeshua first came through to me!
by Sjha'ra Taylor on April 02, 2023
Spring and Autumn Equinox Blessings

Spring and Autumn Equinox Blessings

The equinox, the day of equal day and night, light and dark. This is a special time to connect with our Mother Earth, and to cast free our prayers for life and the greater good.
by Sjha'ra Taylor on September 23, 2022
My Cacao Home Birth

My Cacao Home Birth

This one goes out to all the mamas, birth partners, midwives, doulas, obstetricians, and support teams interested in cacao’s potential as a birthing tool. This is my personal cacao home birth story
by Sjha'ra Taylor on May 07, 2022