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Sacred Earth Medicine Gift Card

    Sacred Earth Medicine Gift Card

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    Gift your loved ones with a little Sacred Earth Medicine magic and goodness. May they never be the same!


    The chuncho bean was highly revered in ancient times. It was used as currency and valued more highly than gold. Chuncho cacao was traditionally used by the priests, shamans and spiritual elite in the ancient Mayan, Aztec & Olmec cultures as a spiritual partner. We are told that the shamans of these ancient cultures infused their prized cacao beans with spirit, to give it a dimension not found in other cacao varieties. Ceremonial Cacao is an ancient plant medicine, a heart opener, a wisdom keeper, a consciousness facilitator, teacher and creative partner. In modern terms, it is classed as an entheogen.

    Beans with Life Force!

    Once in your hands, you will cherish why our pure Peruvian Ceremonial Cacao bean paste is specifically chosen for its potency and high vibration. It is 100% whole bean Cacao Chuncho, bio-dynamically grown, from original cacao trees. This small, humble but proud family run operation keeps production at a sustainable scale to ensure we have superior quality control with techniques fine-tuned by generations in the family. The cacao beans are grown in a powerful microclimate nestled between the Andes and the Amazon, infusing the beans with fervent life force. Grown on mature trees, farmed without chemicals, ethically sourced and fair trade, this cacao maintains all its medicinal and spiritual properties. And once you taste it, you’ll know why it’s won so many awards.

    Don't Take our Word for it, Try Ceremonial Cacao for Yourself!

    Are you ready to hold a rich, warm velvety cup of this divine Ceremonial Cacao elixir in your hands? Let the sweet aroma steam its way into your sensory organs. As you drink, it melts into your heart, transporting you into another realm of sweet benevolence.



    • 5 – 10g, Dreaming dose: Perfect for lucid dreaming. Take when waking in the middle of the night. Make sure you go back to bed ASAP!
    • 28g, Creative/Inspirational dose: Great for creative work such as writing, dance, music, artwork etc.
    • 35g, Yoga/Dance dose: For yoga, meditation and greater energy during light exercise.
    • 45g, Ceremonial dose: This is the recommended dose for cacao ceremonies.
    • 57g, Full Shamanic dose: Amazing for shamanic journeying & deep meditation. This is a strong dose! Please work up to this amount over 4 - 5 sessions.


    Check out our blog for some great preparation ideas and how to make the perfect sacred hot chocolate.

    The inside cover of each cacao block also contains simple preparation & dosage instructions, so you can whip up a delicious Ceremonial Cacao brew as soon as your chocolate arrives!


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