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Ceremonial Cacao Journals

What is Mabon - An Autumn Equinox

What is Mabon?

It’s the second harvest festival and themes of balance and harmony inspire this moment on the Wheel of the Year.

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on March 06, 2025
Ground Ceremonial Cacao vs Powdered Cacao

Ground Ceremonial Cacao vs. Powdered Cacao: What’s the Difference & Why it Matters

Is all cacao the same? Will a powder give you the same buzz and benefits as a ground block and vice versa?

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 24, 2025
Black Tahini Ceremonial Dipping Sauce

Black Tahini Ceremonial Dipping Sauce

This Black Tahini Dipping Sauce our current favourite, its a super delicious treat that's easy to make and even easier to snack on!

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 24, 2025
Why Ceremonial Cacao Blooms

Why Ceremonial Cacao Blooms – It’s a Good Sign!

If your block is whitish and crumbly, you're probably looking at cacao bloom. It’s easy to assume that a white, crumbly block is inferior in quality to a shiny, smooth one, but this is not the case.

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 17, 2025
Lammas Explained

Lammas Explained: How This Harvest Festival Aligns with Sacred Rituals

Plus: how to celebrate it with Ceremonial Cacao! Lammas or...
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on January 25, 2025
3 Kings Hot Chocolate

Three Kings Hot Chocolate

Inspired by the wisdom and generosity of the Magi, this rich and spiced drink is a regal treat for Christmas or anytime you want to activate your royalty!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 23, 2024
Peruvian Ceremonial Chocolatada

Peruvian Ceremonial Chocolatada

This is a Ceremonial version of the traditional Peruvian Chocolatada recipe - a creamy & spicy hot chocolate!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 23, 2024
Cacao and Saffron

Cacao & Saffron – Sun-Kissed Alchemy

Saffron has been revered and used for over 3500 years, and not just for its culinary and medicinal properties, but also for its mythical and magical significance throughout history too.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 15, 2024
What is Litha, Summer Solstice

What is Litha? A Summer Solstice Journal

Celebrated by ancient cultures across the globe, the Summer Solstice, or Litha, heralds the longest day of the year and celebrates the potent energy of the Sun.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 15, 2024
Cacao and Intention Setting Conscious Creation

Cacao & Heartfelt Intention Setting

Consciously creating a life you love is possible! The powerful practice of intention setting (with cacao) is an amazing ally for making this a reality!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 15, 2024
Heavy Metals (Lead & Cadmium) in Cacao & Chocolate

Coming Clean: What you need to know about Cacao and Heavy Metals (Lead & Cadmium)

There’s been a lot of concerned murmuring in the wider chocolate industry of late, specifically around the high levels of heavy metals found within cacao (namely lead and cadmium). Our latest lab test results inside!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on November 21, 2024
Cacao and Deforestation

Our Uniquely Green Cacao!

Did you know most chocolate is synonymous with deforestation?! Being custodians of the Earth is a commitment we take very seriously here at Sacred Earth Medicine.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on November 16, 2024
Cacao for Healing Relationships

The Heart of the Matter: Cacao as a Tool for Healing Relationships

Weaving in cacao coupled with ritual as a tool to resolve misunderstandings can powerful medicine in relationship.
by Shaa'tarn Raphael on October 27, 2024
What is Beltane?

What is Beltane?

Beltane, also known as May Day, is one of the cross-quarter fire festivals. This celebration is the last of the Spring fertility festivals
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on October 27, 2024
Cacao and Mental Health

Cacao’s Gift as a Mental Health Ally

Is Ceremonial Cacao a powerful ally for our daily happiness and long-term mental health?

by Shaa'tarn Raphael on October 08, 2024
Cacao Better Than Coffee

Cacao - A Better Buzz than Coffee!

Explore the health impacts of coffee and why we believe Ceremonial Cacao is the perfect, healthier coffee alternative.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on September 26, 2024
What is Ostara

What is Ostara?

On the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Ostara is the second fertility festival and for many marks the first day of Spring.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on September 17, 2024
The Miracle of Cacao Pollination

Miracle Cacao - the Marvellous & Miraculous Pollination of Cacao

Do you have any idea how cacao is pollinated? If not get ready, because honestly it is really quite a miracle!!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on September 17, 2024
Gingernut Chocolate with Ceremonial Cacao

Gingernut Chocolates

Sjha’ra was given a gift of these super delicious Gingernut Chocolates on her birthday by her dear friend Tracey. 
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on August 09, 2024
Imbolc Tending Your Inner Light Ritual

Tending Your Inner Light – A Simple Candle ritual to honour Imbolc

Not only does the light of the candle flame symbolise new life in the world around us, but it also represents the ever-glowing light within our own heart.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on July 25, 2024
Ginger Chocolate Truffles

Ginger Chocolate Truffles

For the ginger lovers out there, these vegan truffles made from only 5 ingredients make a delicious and healthy winter treat.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on July 16, 2024
Self-Care with Cacao

Self-Care with Cacao

Prioritising tending and caring for ourselves at this time, when immune systems can be vulnerable and energy levels low, is necessary to ensure overall health and wellbeing.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on July 15, 2024
Sunrise Winter Solstice Cacao Meditation Ritual

Sunrise Winter Solstice Cacao Meditation Ritual

This ritual weaves together solar connection with ceremonial cacao (of course!), meditation, contemplation, journaling for you to honour this moment in the greater cycle.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on June 16, 2024
Our Raw Cacao Beans

Raw Cacao and Why Ours Isn’t!

Our cacao is not raw, and we prefer it that way! There are very few cacao offerings on the market that are truly raw. Let’s get into why...
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on May 16, 2024
Supporting Motherhood with Cacao

Supporting Motherhood with Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao as a plant ally for the journey of Motherhood is a deeply nurturing, loving and supportive partner. Cacao has an abundance of physiological and energetic properties to support this journey tenderly yet powerfully.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on May 11, 2024
The Story Behind our NEW Ceremonial Cacao Cups

The Story Behind our NEW Ceremonial Cacao Cups

We feel super blessed to have commissioned local ceramic artist Ben Ruble craft our new, exquisite, hand crafted, wild harvested Ceremonial Cacao cups! They come in small and large, and we wholeheartedly believe they are the perfect accompaniment to make your daily ceremonial cacao an even more sacred experience!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on April 28, 2024
Ancestor Honouring Ritual

Ancestor Honouring Ritual

Whether known or unknown, our ancestral lineage impacts our lives, and taking time to remember where we have come from can allow us a golden opportunity to understand ourselves better.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on April 15, 2024
Sacred Earth Prayers for Cacao Rituals

Sacred Earth Prayers for your Cacao Rituals

At Sacred Earth Medicine is all about honouring the earth, we wanted to share with you some inspiring words that can be spoken in your daily cacao ritual
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on April 15, 2024
Maple Maca Maca Choc Block

Maple Maca Maca Choc Block

This recipe evolved from our families pancake Sunday ritual. I discovered it and then became obsessed with the delectable combination of our Ceremonial Cacao, the creamy maca spread maple syrup.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on April 14, 2024
In Honour of the Feminine Within Easter

In Honour of the Feminine Within Easter

We remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter but have denied the celebration and honouring of Mary Magdalene, It is time now to remember the true love story.
by Kaliana Raphael Rose on March 28, 2024
Cranberry & Coconut Vegan Easter Eggs

Cranberry & Coconut Vegan Easter Eggs

This sublimely delicious melt-in-your-mouth recipe for Cranberry and Coconut Vegan Easter Eggs is seriously moreish – and the burst of plump cranberry is a welcome and juicy surprise.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on March 27, 2024
Mabon Gratitude and Self Reflection Ritual

Mabon Gratitude and Self Reflection Ritual

As we embrace the season of Mabon with its themes of gratitude and balance, it’s important to remember that just as the seasons around us change, so do we.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 26, 2024
6 Loved Up Ways to use Cacao on Valentines Day

6 Loved Up Ways to use Cacao on Valentine’s Day

Cacao is not only a heart opener, but also has aphrodisiac properties – and we believe it is the combination of these uplifting qualities that people are yearning for.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
How to make the Perfect Sacred Hot Chocolate

How to Make the Perfect Sacred Hot Chocolate

Ritualistic preparation of a delicious Sacred Hot Chocolate is the cornerstone of any good meditation, yoga practice or creative session. So take your time and put as much love into the whole process as you can.

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
Giving Back Reciprocity

Giving Back

Aligning and weaving the ethos and values of our business with the philosophy of Dadirri, reciprocity and giving back underpins the day-to-day heart centred decisions we make & our ongoing direction.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
Creating a Magical Life with Ritual & Ceremony

Creating a Magical Life with Ritual and Ceremony

Rich in social, religious, magical, and symbolic meaning, Ritual and Ceremony have been an essential aspect of human life for as long as we can remember.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
Chocolate Body Drizzle

Chocolate Body Drizzle

Playing with Chocolate Body Drizzle is such a delicious and erotic way to spend a romantic evening with your beloved! This one is a must do.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
Damiana Chocolate Love Liqueur

Damiana Chocolate Love Liqueur

Damiana makes a potent love potion all on it’s own, but when combined with cacao & rose water, it’s sense-sational!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 07, 2024
Cacao Butter Sense-You-All Massage

Cacao Butter Sense-you-all Massage

Massage using cacao butter with its chocolatey aroma, really takes the sensual (sense-you-all) experience up a notch. If you’re anything like me, it might bliss you right up to heaven!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 06, 2024
Sensual Chocolate Sharing

Sensual Chocolate Sharing

There can be something so exciting and erotic about eating chocolate – especially when feeding your beloved, being fed by your beloved or even when savouring some chocolate indulgence solo.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 06, 2024
Cosmic Surrender Bath

Cosmic Surrender Bath

Baths can be such a sensual experience! So immerse either solo or with your partner end delight in this pleasurable, luxurious and beautiful bath ritual.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 06, 2024
Love Drunk Drinking Cacao

Love Drunk Drinking Cacao

This super rich and deliciously creamy drinking chocolate will have you drunk on the heavenly union of cacao and coconut!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on February 06, 2024
Lammas Nature Communion Ritual

Lammas Nature Communion Ritual

Lammas is the perfect time for a nature enquiry to harness the magic of deeper connection + communion with Mother Earth, and to honour and celebrate the energy of this time.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on January 16, 2024
Summer Solstice Mandala Ritual

Summer Solstice Mandala Ritual

Creating a mandala from materials found in nature is a beautiful offering and way to celebrate the bounty of life and power of Sun at this time.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on December 15, 2023
Cacao and Rose - Two Beautiful Lovers

Cacao and Rose – Two Beautiful Lovers

Rose and Cacao have the sublime common qualities of heart opening, mood elevation, enhanced connection, and relaxation of the nervous system
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on November 07, 2023
Lovers Ritual

Love Rituals

By combining Ceremonial Cacao, visualisation, affirmation and the breath, we hope these simple rituals leave you feeling heart opened, connected and much lighter!
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on November 06, 2023
Honouring our Ancestors and Healing Ancestral Wounds

Honouring our Ancestors and Healing Ancestral Wounds

By connecting to departed loved ones not only are you able to tap into their deep wisdom , you also open up the possibility to heal any intergenerational trauma.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on October 30, 2023
Dia De Los Muertos Reflections

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Many years ago, Shaa and I had the privilege of experiencing Day of the Dead (Dia de los Meurtos) in Mexico City, less than a year after my mother had crossed over.
by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on October 30, 2023
Spring Equinox Ritual

Spring Equinox Ritual

After the winter months where energy can become stagnant. Use this Spring Equinox ritual and this time of the year as the perfect opportunity to clear old energy, habits and unhealthy thought patterns.

by The Sacred Earth Medicine Team on September 19, 2023
Lions Gate Portal

Lions Gate Portal

With cosmological origins dating as far back as Ancient Egypt, the Lions Gate heralds the annual alignment between the Sun in the star sign of Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt and the rising star Sirius
by Sjha'ra Taylor on July 30, 2023
Honouring Imbolc

Honouring Imbolc

Imbolc is an ancient tradition that occurs midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. As a Celtic Fire Festival with roots predating Christianity, it was originally dedicated to the Goddess Brighid (who later became St Brigid).

by Sjha'ra Taylor on July 30, 2023
Winter Solstice Ritual

Honouring the Winter Solstice Ritual

Here in the Southern Hemisphere we find ourselves exploring the beauty and transformative energy of the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule. This time marks the longest night of the year.
by Sjha'ra Taylor on June 21, 2023
My First Magical Yeshua Encounter

Sjha'ra's Story: My Connection With Yeshua

I didn’t go to any scripture classes at school, so it came as a huge shock and surprise when Yeshua first came through to me!
by Sjha'ra Taylor on April 02, 2023
Homemade Sacred Earth Easter Eggs

Homemade Sacred Earth Easter Eggs

Easter is all about celebrating new life and the eternal nature of our souls. Eggs symbolise new life. Create your own divine Sacred Earth Easter Eggs for your renewal rituals or just for fun with your family & friends!

by Sjha'ra Taylor on April 02, 2023
Spring and Autumn Equinox Blessings

Spring and Autumn Equinox Blessings

The equinox, the day of equal day and night, light and dark. This is a special time to connect with our Mother Earth, and to cast free our prayers for life and the greater good.
by Sjha'ra Taylor on September 23, 2022
How to use your Ceremonial Cacao Block

How To Use Your Ceremonial Cacao Block?

Many of our new discoverers of Ceremonial Cacao often ask us this simple question - how do I use the cacao block? This simple guide will answer that question!
by Shaa Taylor on September 21, 2022
My Cacao Home Birth

My Cacao Home Birth

This one goes out to all the mamas, birth partners, midwives, doulas, obstetricians, and support teams interested in cacao’s potential as a birthing tool. This is my personal cacao home birth story
by Sjha'ra Taylor on May 07, 2022
Festive Season Chocolate Fondue!

Festive Season Chocolate Fondue!

This spectacular chocolate fondue, come rainbow feast can be prepared in as little as 10 minutes! Head to your local farmers market & stock up with all your favourite summer fruits. Get ready for a chocolate dipping sensation!

by Sjha'ra Taylor on December 08, 2021
Medicinal Mushroom Cacao

Medicinal Mushroom Cacao

Our friends over at Touchwood Mushrooms in Denmark, WA recently wrote an article on how to the owners Graham & Cat like to prepare their incredible medicinal mushroom products with our magical Ceremonial Cacao. Here's how we prepare ours...
by Shaa'tarn Raphael on May 12, 2021
Rose Activated Cacao Brew

Rose Activated Cacao Brew

This morning, we connected to the medicine of Rose, the "Queen of flowers", the flower of love. Roses have long been cherished to alleviate pms, relax menstrual & libido difficulties & help us feel frisky! 
by Shaa Taylor on August 26, 2020
Chocolate Pesto!

Chocolate Pesto!

At a dinner party once, an angel in the guise of a man, appeared bearing a gift from the Gods…. he held out a bowl of Chocolate Pesto. The cacao adds such a yummy richness and warmth to traditional pesto.
by Shaa Taylor on June 24, 2020
Sacred Cacao Love Potion

Sacred Cacao Love Potion – A Recipe for More Mojo

The Sacred Cacao Love Potion is our newest witchy concoction and we are excited about it! Each herb in the brew contains aphrodisiac qualities and will give you that sparkly feeling and extra zing. It also tastes delicious!
by Shaa Taylor on June 24, 2020
Handmade Chocolate Love Recipe

Handmade Chocolate Love Recipe

This easy 10 minute recipe makes perfect handmade chocolates our friends go gaga over, every time!
by Sjha'ra Taylor on June 22, 2020
Cacao Blueberry-licious Tart

Cacao Blueberry-licious Tart

Yesterday I experimented with this easy & super delicious recipe. The simple recipe for Blueberry Pie from the Raw Foods Bible, became the decadent raw Cacao Blueberry-licious Tart. Mmmm! So quick, but oh so divine.
by Shaa Taylor on June 21, 2020
Vegan Mexican Mole

Vegan Mexican Mole

Have you ever heard of a savoury chocolate dish? Traditional Mexican Mole is it. Now you can try it for yourself with our vegan-friendly simplified version of the recipe.
by Shaa Taylor on June 20, 2020
Mmmeditation Chocolate Mousse

Mmmeditation Chocolate Mousse

This is a gorgeously rich, velvety chocolate mousse & if you didn’t mention it’s actually sugar free, dairy free (& vegan) no one would guess it. It’s guaranteed to win the hearts of all those you offer it to.
by Shaa Taylor on June 19, 2020
Chocolate Smoothie - The Green Dream

Chocolate Smoothie - The Green Dream

When breakfast needs to be quick and nutrient rich what better way to start your day than with a Chocolate Smoothie packed full of superfoods and cacao goodness. Yum!
by Shaa Taylor on June 14, 2020