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Here in the Southern Hemisphere we find ourselves exploring the beauty and transformative energy of the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule. This time marks the longest night of the year, when the Earth’s axial tilt is furthest away from the sun, resulting in the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Taking place on June 22nd, this time invites us to journey inward, embrace introspection and celebrate the return of the light.
We believe in honouring the natural rhythms of the season. Harnessing these for personal growth and heart connections. This time is a beautiful reminder that in darkness, there always comes light and rebirth.
As the world around us enters a period of hibernation, we too turn inward and nurture the seeds of our intentions. Spending more time at home, having fires in the backyard (Shaa in the image above making an epic fire for us!), taking it slow and making space for reflection, are some of the simple ways we are aligning to the energy of this season. How do you mark the turning of the wheel of the year into Winter Solstice? Are there any particular rituals you enjoy? We’d love to hear! Share your story in the comments below.
Are you looking to bring more sacred ritual into your life? Sjha’ra would love to share her own personal Winter Solstice ritual with you, as a solstice meditation blessing & gift of love.
It’s a simple ritual you can do, ideally in the evening on either Wednesday 21st June or Thursday 22nd June, to tap more deeply into the transformative potency of this time, so you can get the most out of your Solstice experience…
Read the ritual below or you can listen here to the ritual as an audio. Before you begin, prepare your altar, have your hot ceremonial cacao ready, your journal & pen by your side and a candle ready to light during the ritual...
Dear One,
We are all so conditioned to be afraid of the dark, the unknown and the mystery. But it is only through traversing through the darkness that we can come to know the light within. It is only through journeying inward to face our shadows, that we can find and embrace our light.
For it is in the deep silence of winter, and in the still, dark of night where we can find the quiet gentle whispers of our calling, the potential that lay within.
Before we go jumping ahead to celebrate the returning light, let us remember the seed must first be held in darkness. It is the very darkness that nourishes the seed, to know its own true potential.
So take time out now in the hours before the Winter Solstice to allow yourself the medicine of sitting in silence and stillness. Align to Mother Nature in her time of withdrawal and inaction. Sit by your altar and give time to go within, to symbolically descend into the winter cave of hibernation. Create sacred space for yourself, however you like to do that. Then dim the lights or turn them off completely. Take some deep breaths and centre yourself. Take your mug of cacao, feel the warmth and smell the aroma. Now as you sip your warm cacao, consciously set the intention to let everything go, your whole identity and all your achievements, all striving and doing and just be. Offer all parts of yourself into this ‘winter descent’, as if offering your own shamanic/ego death at the sacred altar.
Simply listen for the quiet, gentle voice within, without any agendas, to see what emerges…. Listen to the wisdom of the earth and listen to the wisdom of your heart.
After allowing yourself a very generous time of sacred pause, place your hand over your heart and ask yourself; What dreams do you carry inside? What are you visioning and yearning for? Remain inwards for as long as you like. Then when you are ready, light a candle, pick up a pen and paper and write, streamline of consciousness, whatever is arising in you. Sharing whatever wisdom you have received. Trust what emerges.
When you have finished, bring the candle closer and gaze at the light. Imagine you are connecting to the inner light of your Soul. Take some deep breaths to feel an inner strength stirring your energy. Then when you are ready, take 3 powerful deep breaths in dedication & prayer that this life force energy will nourish & empower any seed wishes you have. Know that you have all the strength and all the power to dissolve any fears along your path of growth, with your love and your light.
And now, as you emerge from this experience, remember to observe - the days grow longer, the sun's radiance increasing, and watch your own seeds of intention begin to germinate.
Blessed Be
If your block is whitish and crumbly, you're probably looking at cacao bloom. It’s easy to assume that a white, crumbly block is inferior in quality to a shiny, smooth one, but this is not the case.
Plus: how to celebrate it with Ceremonial Cacao! Lammas or Lughnasadh is the first of...
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