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Playing with Chocolate Body Drizzle is such a delicious and erotic way to spend a romantic evening with your beloved! This one is a must do.
Again, we have adapted and tweaked the recipe genius from Kimberley Gallagher’s book, ‘Aphrodisiac – The Herbal Path to Healthy Sexual Fulfillment and Vital Living’.
Note: In the original recipe they use a cacao powder and before adding the coconut milk, they bring the remaining ingredients to the boil, then simmer for 5 mins. When using a Ceremonial Grade cacao we recommend you avoid boiling it as that may begin to interfere with the medicinal and spiritual properties of the cacao. In our experience if the water if nicely boiled it works out fine in the bullet.
Weaving in cacao coupled with ritual as a tool to resolve misunderstandings can powerful medicine in relationship.
Beltane, also known as May Day, is one of the cross-quarter fire festivals. This celebration is the last of the Spring fertility festivals
Is Ceremonial Cacao a powerful ally for our daily happiness and long-term mental health?
Explore the health impacts of coffee and why we believe Ceremonial Cacao is the perfect, healthier coffee alternative.