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Have you ever wondered why the symbol of the egg is used at Easter time? Have you ever wondered where the name Easter came from? Why we give chocolate to each other at Easter?
The egg is a symbol of fertility, creativity and new birth and eggs have long been associated with Eostre (Easter) the ancient Goddess of spring.
So much of what we now accept automatically has its origins in a forgotten past. In patriarchal times much of the feminine wisdom has been covered over, particularly the truth of the matro-lineal wisdom, which until the witch-burning times of the inquisition was handed down from mother to daughter.
Have we been conditioned to forget and deny our heritage?
Have we perhaps allowed our longing to be represented by symbols - the rabbit symbolizing the celebration of our fertility and new birth, chocolate eggs our longing for love, (we all know that chocolate stimulates the love hormones).
We remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter but have denied the celebration and honouring of Mary Magdalene, Yeshua/Jesus’ beautiful mirror image in the six-pointed Star of David. In the mural at the Russian Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Jerusalem, she is portrayed holding the egg of fertility. A silent coded image reaching down to us through the ages.
Life is created on earth through an equal joining of male and female energies in sexuality, but the decisions made about the earth are not being made with the same equality. Within each man and woman there exists this combined energy and we are all disadvantaged if both voices don’t have equal representation and an honouring of their wisdom.
Two beautiful beings, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, came to gift the Earth with a model of the Christ Consciousness - Divine Love in expression - not as a religion but as a conscious state of Being that loves and honours all life.
In order to birth this consciousness within us, it is necessary to embrace the Christed feminine and masculine within in full chakra union. Now after two thousand years of denial it is time to discover, remember and honour the missing piece of the puzzle, her-story, which has been left out of his-story. Until the inquisition, the true teachings of Mary Magdalene and Jesus were honoured and followed by the Gnostics and the Cathars.
Mary Magdalene is a representative of the Christed Feminine within us all. As we release the distortions that have surrounded her life and honour her name again, we will remember her not as prostitute but as the beloved bride of Christ. As we love and honour her truth as a sacred priestess of the eternal flame of the Mother, Christed Anointed one, it will set this energy free to flow, and bless and honour the feminine wisdom in us all.
In patriarchal times women have felt disempowered; with the denial of the feminine, the power of this beautiful egg of the feminine has been split into two circles of light and dark. This has separated spirituality from sexuality and split the sisterhood in two. Without access to the full egg of the feminine creative power, our creativity has not flowed; without access to the wisdom of the priestess, the Divine midwife, birth has become a painful experience on this planet. This relates to the birth of babies as well as creative ideas.
In patriarchal times the Divine Feminine seemed to disappear as if behind a veil and seemed less accessible to humankind. The sacred initiations into the feminine wisdom went underground. As the veil is now lifted with the return of the feminine, we move once again into male female balance. It is time to share and celebrate the deep love for the Divine Mother and the wisdom of her Grace. This love, because it has not been celebrated openly, has been felt as a very deep sense of loss in both men and women. As we open our hearts once again to be loved by and to love the Mother Goddess as well as the Father God, deep peace can be experienced in our soul and in the soul of the world.
In patriarchal times, humanity has forgotten the Universal Law of the Circle, which is: as much as goes out, comes back, in an everflowing circle. Without the honouring of this feminine truth more has been taken from the earth than has been given back. And the denial of this universal law is destroying the delicate ecosystems of the Earth. As we heal the split and reclaim the full circle of the feminine wisdom, we restore the role of the priestess of the Divine Feminine. We can then access the Sacred Feminine Wisdom and teachings to nurture and heal the earth and ourselves.
This allows us to move forward at last, having rather painfully learned the lesson gained from long ages that expressed either the matriarchy or the patriarchy. These energies were never meant to work in isolation but together, drawing on the wisdom of both energies. Let’s create a new word for this beautiful new Age of Aquarius: WHOLE-IARCHY and from this union co-create HEAVEN ON EARTH!
This Easter let us all join with love in our hearts and ask the Divine Mother to forgive us for so long denying Mary Magdalene, Her beautiful representative of the Christed Feminine. Let us welcome her into our hearts to share the piece of the puzzle she holds about the expression of the Christ love. May we celebrate her life and mission and reclaim the legacy that she left us.
I offer you the poems that I received from Jesus and Mary as I made the flower essences of the Jesus Christ Peace Lily and the Blood Lily. Let these be your Easter lilies. May they help you heal and celebrate this Easter, honouring the full expression of the Christ love as expressed in their poems to each other.
All is love beloved;
every experience in this time dimension can be transformed into knowing through the flame of love.
I love the Divine Feminine, the Christ within.
Oh Beloved, how I love thee causes the stars to shine, the heavens to smile.
The ecstasy of this love enfolds you, protects you, honours and adores you;
for you are my home, my hearth, my heart, my compassion,
the completion of my wholeness in the one heart of God.
I love the Divine Masculine, the Christ within, with every fibre of my being.
Deep in my womb I enfold you tenderly.
I embrace you with love, passion and compassion, for you are my love,
the other half of my wholeness in the one heart of God.
As we honour the truth of the legacy that the lives of these two beautiful ones left us, we celebrate the Sacred Marriage of the eternal flame of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, forever joined in passionate, heartfelt love, trust, honouring, equality and wholeness.
This Easter I offer you their blessing:
For all that you have suffered through this illusion of separation,
let the past be now healed and forgiven.
Be you together in joy NOW, be you NOW together in joy.
Kaliana Raphael Rose is a vibrational healer and singer of songs for personal and planetary healing. Since 1989 she has co-created with the Ascended and Cosmic Masters of the Light and the Angelic realms, a comprehensive body of work on Vibrational Healing called ‘Rose of Raphael, comprised of over 120 vibrational essences, books and a series of energy pattern codes.
Kaliana has facilitated healing circles and Practitioner Training for both men and women since 1989 in Australia and overseas. She brings to her work this wealth of experience, mingled with wisdom, eldership and compassion. She also facilitates Sacred Union groups and retreats with her husband Rama. Kaliana offers individual sessions in person and on Zoom.
Visit her website:
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