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At Sacred Earth Medicine, we source a rare and award-winning variety of cacao native to Southern Peru. The bean variety is chuncho, which literally means it is native to the region. Chuncho cacao has been used as a sacred source of food and trade by the local indigenous Matsiguenga people dating back to the time of the Incan Empire. Chuncho is the genetic predecessor to the criollo bean variety used ceremonially by the mystics and shamans of ancient cultures in Central America to travel through the veils to other worlds.
Cacao paste is a complete, whole bean form of cacao. It retains all the nutritional goodness and spiritual integrity of the cacao bean. Also known as cacao liquor, cacao paste is simply the complete bean that has been fermented, husked, roasted, ground, and solidified to form into a block of cacao. Nothing added, nothing removed. Because of this wholistic process - involving no separation - the cacao maintains the energetics and vibration of oneness and unity.
In contrast, cacao butter and cacao powder are not whole bean products. They are products derived from the cacao bean paste via an extraction and separation process. Cacao butter is created by extracting the cacao fats from the cacao paste using a high-pressure hydraulic press. The force of the press heats the paste to very high temperatures. The substance remaining once the butter is removed is known as cacao powder. Both products – cacao butter and cacao powder - are less aligned vibrationally, as they’ve undergone a separation process and no longer contain the unified whole expression, and full nutritional value, of the cacao bean.
Over more than a decade of asking the Ceremonial Cacao question ourselves, we’ve made it our mission to discover, define and refine our understanding of what differentiates Ceremonial Cacao from the standard stuff. It’s like a recipe. If you leave out any of the ingredients, it doesn’t have the same result.
Through countless ceremonies with the Cacao Deva, extensive research, and years of testing we are now crystal clear on our take of what makes Ceremonial Cacao, and why we know ours is the best.
To help you distinguish the real deal from the rest, we've written this journal to give you a clear idea of what ceremonial grade cacao really is.
Our cacao is not raw and there’s an important reason for this. In a nutshell, heating is required to create cacao paste. Heating the cacao eliminates any harmful bacteria that may show up during fermentation of the cacao seeds. So, it’s very rare to find any cacao products on the market that are truly 100% raw! You can read all about the lack of regulation in raw cacao labelling and why our cacao isn’t raw in our Raw Cacao blog.
We believe in fully transparent and ethical production. At Sacred Earth Medicine, our ethos is to ensure everyone involved with our business, at any stage of the supply chain, is looked after and shares in the abundance. We deal directly with a beautiful, family-run farm and have a strong connection to the land and the people who tend it. We pay our farmers well above market value to ensure fair pay for the entire family. All stages of the production process are ethical and managed with deep respect for the people involved, and the cacao.
We’re not on the Fairtrade register yet. It’s an expensive, lengthy process and we’d rather that money go directly to the farmers! But we’re working on it!
Creative/Inspirational Dose = 28g / 1oz (2 level Tbs)
Yoga/Dance Doses = 35g / 1.25 oz (2 heaped Tbs)
Ceremonial Dose = 45g (3.5 level Tbs)
Full Shamanic Dose = 57g / 2oz (4.5 level Tbs)*
*Start with a test dose of 20-25g to check your sensitivity and build up over time.
Yes, there’s a line you can cross with drinking too much cacao and drinking it too often. That line will vary from person to person because everyone’s body matrix is unique. For this reason, we suggest building up to a ceremonial dose slowly. A full 45g ceremonial dose or a 57g shamanic dose can be too strong for some. These doses can induce a detox response - anything from headaches to vomiting! For others, a ceremonial dosage may feel mild in effect, and you may prefer the larger shamanic dose.
In terms of frequency, if you drink cacao daily, we suggest the "supplement sabbatical" method. The general rule is to take a day or two off your supplements each week or fortnight to allow your body to reset. Do the same for cacao. Keep in mind, individual responses vary a lot! So, start slow, build up over time, and let your experience be your guide.
Most cacao contains high amounts of caffeine, but our ceremonial grade cacao comes from the chuncho criollo bean which is known to be low in caffeine. It contains roughly a maximum of 5mg of caffeine per gram of cacao paste. A ceremonial dose (45g) of our cacao has the equivalent levels of caffeine that you’d find in one cup of green tea. This is less than regular tea and far less than coffee.
The main stimulant in our cacao is Theobromine, a “sister” molecule to caffeine. Theobromine is a cardiovascular stimulant whereas caffeine is a nervous system stimulant. When you drink coffee, or highly caffeinated products, it can be difficult to concentrate because the nervous system is over-active. In comparison, when you’ve had a dose of our ceremonial cacao, your focus is enhanced.
Theobromine stimulates your cardiovascular system, producing up to 40% more blood flow around the body, to the brain and digestive system. It also activates the production of chemicals in the brain that boost concentration, including dopamine, serotonin, phenylethylamine (the love chemical) and anandamide (the bliss chemical). This makes ceremonial grade cacao a great support for focused activities like yoga, meditation and creative pursuits.
Our cacao is lab-tested to last over two years. We recommend consuming within the two-year period. But cacao can last much longer. We’ve heard of five-year-old blocks that still taste great and have the same powerful effects in ceremony!
Sacred Earth Medicine cacao is best stored in an air-tight, dry container, in a cool place away from the sun. We recommend grinding the block up first to make it easier to use and store. You can do this with a food processor or use a kitchen knife to finely chop or shave the cacao. When it comes to storage for a 5kg block, we recommend removing the wrap, chopping it up into a few big pieces, and storing them in separate containers.
Once stored in an air-tight container your cacao will last for at least two years! Unless you live in an area where the temperature regularly reaches 40 degrees, there is no need to store Ceremonial Cacao in the fridge.
Please note, if your cacao is not kept dry, it may go mouldy. Use the smell test to check for a mouldy smell. If the cacao still smells of chocolatey goodness, hoorah, it’s not mould.
Over more than a decade of asking the Ceremonial Cacao question ourselves, we’ve made it our mission to discover, define and refine our understanding of what differentiates Ceremonial Cacao from the standard stuff. It’s like a recipe. If you leave out any of the ingredients, it doesn’t have the same result.
Through countless ceremonies with the Cacao Deva, extensive research, and years of testing we are now crystal clear on our take of what makes Ceremonial Cacao, and why we know ours is the best.
To help you distinguish the real deal from the rest, we've written this journal to give you a clear idea of what ceremonial grade cacao really is.
If your cacao is exposed to too much heat – i.e., left in the car or a letterbox – and it melts, it’s still good to consume! At temperatures of about 40°C (104°F) Ceremonial Cacao will start to go soft. Once temperatures hit 45°C (113°F) the cacao melts fully and turns to liquid. If this occurs, the properties of the cacao won’t be affected. Even when heated to a high temperature – like when we add hot water – the cacao still retains all its beneficial features and magic. The health-boosting antioxidants in cacao are very heat stable, as are the spiritual qualities. So, it’s still great for your ceremonies!
It’s worth noting, if your cacao block has melted in the sun, then solidified again, it may look a little different due to the cacao butter rising to the surface to create Cacao Bloom. Read on below for more info or our journal on Cacao Bloom.
Rest assured, there’s nothing wrong with your cacao. If you’ve opened your fresh block from Sacred Earth Medicine and it looks whitish and crumbly, don’t worry! This is a totally normal effect known as bloom.
Cacao bloom occurs when cacao butter separates from the solid components of a cacao block. It’s a natural process. If the block has been exposed to heat, the butter will start to melt, and rise to the surface of the block. Once the butter settles it produces a whitish, dusty, sometimes bubbly effect, and the cacao can crumble more easily.
If your block has bloom, it’s still just as yummy, nutritious and ceremonially powerful. Before use, we recommend grinding up the whole block to mix all the components together again. Then use as per normal. If you’d like to know more, have a read of our blog on Cacao Bloom for a detailed break-down on how it happens and why it’s a good sign!
The following guidelines are suggestions only. We do not offer medical advice. If you have any concerns regarding your personal health and the use of cacao, please consult a doctor.
Very High Blood Pressure & Serious Heart Problems
Cacao is a cardiovascular stimulant and a vasodilator. It increases the heart rate and opens the blood vessels. When taking a full ceremonial or shamanic dose, cacao can increase blood flow around the body, to the brain and digestive tract, by up to 40%.
As a vasodilator, cacao can drop blood pressure quickly, potentially causing complications for those with very high blood pressure or serious heart problems. If you have these conditions, please check with your doctor first before drinking cacao. If they give the thumbs up, go with a maximum 25g dose. If you haven't consulted a doctor, don’t risk it!
The MAO (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) in cacao can react with antidepressants and antipsychotic pharmaceuticals. Reactions range from mild to extreme nausea, depending on the dose of your medication. The efficacy of antidepressants can also be affected. Cacao stimulates the release of several brain chemicals. And MAO inhibitors slow the re-uptake of brain chemicals in the nerve synapses. This means taking cacao could either make the antidepressant’s effects much stronger or it could have the opposite effect of what the medication is intended to do.
Search your medications online to see if cacao is contraindicated and consult your doctor. If you get the okay, start with a low dose of 20g or less and see if there are any reactions. Work up to a maximum of 25g.
You may feel the effects of cacao more strongly for several reasons. These include fasting, smaller body weight, sensitivity to caffeine, low alcohol tolerance, high toxicity levels in the body, and drinking too much before strong physical activity.
If you feel nauseous, we suggest you lie down, rest it out and drink water. Eating is usually out of the question when you have full nausea but if you’re just feeling wobbly, munching on something can help ground your energy.
Be wary of nausea with doses above 45g, even up to 5 hours after drinking cacao. We always say, if you’re feeling the effects of cacao, that means you’ve had enough! Having a double shot just because it’s delicious will not equate to you feeling twice as good.
Drink lots of water! Cacao is a natural diuretic that can make you thirsty. Keep this in mind, especially in summertime. Always stay well hydrated during a ceremony or any time you’re drinking cacao.
We highly recommend tuning in to what feels best for you during pregnancy. In the first trimester we suggest smaller doses that can increase over time. Start with a 20g dose (equivalent to a level tablespoon). If you feel to, you can increase the dose to a maximum of 28g (equivalent to a creative dose). In the second and third trimester the dose can be raised up to a maximum of 32g.
If you’re taking a Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy, we recommend completely avoiding cacao, as the two have not been tested together.
We’ve heard mixed reports that cacao can be calming or stimulating for the baby. If you feel drawn to work with Ceremonial Cacao during this time, start with a trial 20g and slowly build up to a maximum of 28g. If you’re taking cacao in the evening and are night feeding, we advise having only a very small homeopathic dose of 3-5g (1/2 tsp).
Everyone’s response is unique so please listen to your inner guidance on whether cacao suits you and your bubs’ needs.
Birthing with Cacao
Many women (including Sjha’ra) have chosen to work with cacao when birthing. Higher doses of cacao can be spiritually supportive and have an opening effect during the birth experience. Our Ceremonial Cacao is full of magnesium and relaxant properties which can also help the muscles relax when giving birth.
Check out Sjha'ra's Cacao Home Birth journal.